The Hawke’s Bay Forest Group comprises three forest investments in Hawke’s Bay which are considering a proposal by manager Forest Enterprises to harvest as a collective.

The joint venture participant forest investments are Esk Valley, Glenross and Hampton.

The information on this page is for the benefit of the investors in the participant forests as they prepare to vote on the Collective Harvest proposal.

Collective Harvest by Joint Venture

Minutes of Meeting and Certificate – respective Collective Harvest Joint Venture vote for each participant forest (this vote closed 17 December 2021)

Collective Harvest by Joint Venture Report, 15 October 2021

Letter from Forme Consulting, 19 November 2021 – Hawke’s Bay Group – Collective Harvest by Joint Venture, Plan Variation and Review of Forestry Inputs into Harvest Costs and Revenue Share Calculations

Hawke’s Bay Group Joint Harvest Wood Flow and Cashflow

Esk Valley Forest Wood Flow and Cashflow, November 2021

Glenross Forest Wood Flow and Cashflow, November 2021

Hampton Forest Wood Flow and Cashflow, November 2021

Hawke’s Bay Group Joint Venture Share Allocation

Hawke’s Bay Group Harvest Share Calculations Report, 19 November 2021

Deloitte Discount Rate Opinion, December 2018

Land LP Share Allocation

Morice Limited valuation report on Hawke’s Bay Group Land LP Share Allocation, 29 July 2021

Harvest Management Fee

Minutes of Meeting and Certificate – respective Harvest Management Fee vote for each participant forest (this vote closed on 15 September 2021)

Summary of Forest Enterprises Harvest Management Services, 23 August 2021

Forme Consulting Group Limited opinion on Harvest Management Fee, 10 May 2021

Background Information

Hawke’s Bay Group Combined Meeting, 21 October 2021 – Slides

Hawke’s Bay Group Combined Meeting, 21 October 2021 – Meeting Recording (Zoom) Access Passcode: ForestEnterprises_Mar21

Managed Investment Scheme Information (Companies Office Disclose Register)

Esk Valley Forest Investment

Glenross Forest Investment

Hampton Forest Investment