We want to ensure that investing with us is secure, transparent and easy

Forest Enterprises Limited is a Licensed Manager of Forestry Managed Investment Schemes

In general terms, a managed investment scheme (MIS Scheme) pools money from investors who rely on the investment expertise of the scheme manager. In a typical forestry MIS, the manager exercises skill, and provides expertise and decision-making in managing the forest and administering the investment, while investors have an oversight role. The Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 requires a manager of an MIS Scheme to be licensed.

Effective from 3 October 2016, Forest Enterprises Limited is licensed to manage MIS Schemes (excluding managed funds) which are primarily invested in forestry assets. Our license number is FSP37784.

In addition, each of our existing 44 Limited Partnership investments plus 5 of our Ordinary Partnerships became registered MIS Schemes from 29 November 2016, as required by the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. When we launch our new investments, they will be among New Zealand’s first new-issue, second rotation forestry investments offered under the new financial markets regime.

Becoming a licensed MIS Scheme manager was a rigorous and thorough process and it does not stop once a licence is granted. Successful applicants like us have to meet high minimum standards of corporate governance, operational conduct and financial management, and provide evidence of robust systems that give investors the information, control and protection appropriate for the services we provide.

About the Financial Markets Authority
The Financial Markets Authority is the regulatory body for New Zealand’s capital markets and financial services sector. Their mission is to promote the development of fair, efficient and transparent financial markets, helping service providers raise standards and maintain integrity and help investors build their capability.


Forest Enterprises Limited Board Charter

The primary business of Forest Enterprises Limited (FEL) as a company is to manage forestry investment schemes, primarily Managed Investment Schemes (MIS Schemes) under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

The primary source of the FEL Board’s authority as the oversight body for the MIS Schemes is the Constitution of FEL, plus the FEL Board Charter. These documents include an obligation on the FEL Board to act as the primary oversight body for compliance with FEL’s market service licensee obligations.

Read the Forest Enterprises Limited Board Charter.

Forest Enterprises Growth Limited Board Charter

The Forest Enterprises Growth Limited Board Charter is available by request to Gordon Wong.

Forest Enterprises Code of Ethics

The Directors, Management and Staff of Forest Enterprises must observe our Code of Ethics. Our written Code of Ethics is an important part of communicating the professional conduct expectations of our people, and it contributes to a good compliance culture. It is a statement of our commitment to integrity and high ethical standards in our business.

Read our Code of Ethics.

We Take Complaints Seriously

A copy of our Complaints Procedure for anything other than financial services is available on request at info@forestenterprises.co.nz

As a Financial Service Provider, we willingly comply with the industry requirement to provide our customers with a comprehensive complaints procedure and to be members of an approved external dispute resolution scheme. Forest Enterprises is a member of the independent disputes resolution service provided by Financial Services Complaints Ltd and approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

We are committed to providing a high-quality service to every investor. But if something has gone wrong, we want to know. Please send an email to Nicola Black, our Head of Managed Investments at nblack@forestenterprises.co.nz and tell us what has happened and how we can resolve matters. If you have any documents or correspondence that will help us understand your complaint, please attach them to the email.

Our full complaints procedure can guide you. At any time, feel free to contact Nicola directly:

Nicola Black
Head of Managed Investments, Forest Enterprises
PO Box 128
DDI +64 6 370 6916
Mob. +64 27 489 9320

Member of FSCL

If we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). FSCL is an independent, not-for-profit, external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs.

FSCL’s service does not cost you anything and they will help resolve the complaint.

How to contact FSCL
Freephone 0800 347 257 (within New Zealand)
International callers dial +64 4 472 3725
Email complaints@fscl.org.nz
Website www.fscl.org.nz

Or write to FSCL, PO Box 5967, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

Information Required to Validate Customer Identity

Under New Zealand’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009, all persons who are investing in financial products themselves directly (singularly or jointly), as a Trustee of a Trust, a Partner in a Partnership, or a Director or significant shareholder of a Company, must provide certified proof of identification, residential address, and other information which may be required for a process called ‘customer due diligence’ (CDD).

This applies to all individuals who want to invest with Forest Enterprises for the first time, New Zealanders and overseas individuals alike. Certain transactions and change of circumstances, even for existing investors with Forest Enterprises, may also trigger the requirement for CDD under the Anti-Money Laundering legislation.

So when you come to invest, our team will guide you through the process.

Forest Enterprises is an AML reporting entity supervised by the Financial Markets Authority, license number FSP37784.

Learn more about AML/CFT in New Zealand from the Department of Internal Affairs.

No Disguised Payments to the Investment Offeror, Issuer, Manager or Promoter

A forestry investment promoter is entitled to be rewarded for the work and associated risk involved in releasing new investments, no different to promoters of other investment products. What they should not do is disguise these payments.

Forest Enterprises fees and payments are transparent – they are at arm’s length, clearly disclosed and contestable. A schedule of Fees and Expenses is included in each Annual Report, Financial Statements and in the Deed of Scheme Management for each of our Managed Investment Schemes. These documents are available to read and download from the Companies Office Disclose Register (search by Scheme Name, and go to Documents tab).

Furthermore, investors have absolute control over the Manager during the investment by being able to replace Forest Enterprises at any time. Refer to our Investment Structure page.

Forest Enterprises Website Terms & Conditions of Use

All users of this site agree that access to and use of this website are subject to the following terms and conditions and other applicable law.

Forest Enterprises and its content providers own all content, materials, displays, pictures, text, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, video clips, digital downloads, and software and other items on this website (collectively “Content”). Unless you are the content provider, you have no ownership interest in the Content. However, Forest Enterprises grants you a limited licence to use the Content as provided in the section titled “Licence to Use”. Content is protected under applicable copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws in New Zealand and the rest of the world. You have no right to view, use, copy, publish, display or modify the Content except as described in the next section, Licence to Use.

Licence to Use
Forest Enterprises grants you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to view and use this website. Permission is granted to electronically copy and print hard copy portions of this site for the purpose of investing with Forest Enterprises or using Forest Enterprises services. Any other use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of the content of this site is strictly prohibited, unless authorised by Forest Enterprises. You may not modify this website or the content without the express written consent of Forest Enterprises. You may not copy, view, resell or otherwise exploit any of the content or otherwise use this website or the Content for any commercial purpose.

The entire content included in this site is protected under all copyright laws, and is the property of Forest Enterprises Limited, its related companies, or its content suppliers. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Why am I seeing ads by Google for Forest Enterprises?

Our website uses a remarketing advertising service. Our remarketing service is provided by Google and other companies that show our ads on websites across the Internet. With remarketing, you may see ads based on webpages you have looked at.

We use remarketing for similar purposes so you may see advertisements for our services as you search the Internet. For this to happen, Google, or other remarketing providers will read a cookie that is already in your browser, or they place a cookie in your browser when you visit our site or other sites using remarketing. (This can only happen if your browser is set to let it happen).

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All trademarks, service marks and trade names of Forest Enterprises used in the site are the intellectual property of Forest Enterprises Limited or its related companies.

We Do Not Provide Financial Advice

While Forest Enterprises provides forestry investment products and documents relating to those investments its staff cannot and do not provide specific financial or personalised investment advice.

Our staff can provide Product Disclosure Statements (PDS), Investments Reports and notes on secondary market sales processes for buyers and sellers. In addition our staff can provide general information relating to investment in forestry as a class of financial product. Furthermore, our staff can explain how to buy or sell our forestry investments.

However, our staff cannot advise you on the suitability of Forest Enterprises forest investments with regard to your own risk preferences, personal situation, goals, needs or aspirations. We do not give recommendations that any particular investment, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

We recommend that for financial and investment advice specific to your individual situation and tailored to your own position, you consult with an authorised financial adviser.